Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
<table style="width: 750px;" rules="none"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 438.406px;"> <p align="justify"><strong>Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini (E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2830-5868</a> dan P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-7831</a>)</strong> adalah jurnal akses terbuka peer-refereed yang didirikan untuk penyebaran pengetahuan mutakhir di bidang pendidikan Islam anak usia dini. Jurnal ini sudah terbit dengan mendapatkan<strong> ISSN Cetak sejak tahun 2018</strong>, Kemudian kosong selama beberapa tahun dan mulai terbit kembali. Kemudian jurnal ini mengalami perubahan bulan terbitan dari mulai awal terbit di bulan<strong> Februari</strong> dan kemudian berubah menjadi bulan <strong>Juni</strong>.</p> <p align="justify">Kemudian <strong>Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini</strong> diterbitkan kembali sejak tahun 2022 dua kali dalam setahun <strong>(Juni dan Desember)</strong> dengan terbitan <strong>Volume 2 Nomor 1 Juni 2022</strong> oleh Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Kifayah Riau. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi jurnal untuk menerbitkan artikel asli tentang isu-isu terbaru dan trend yang terjadi dalam kurikulum PAUD, pengajaran, pembelajaran, kebijakan, dan persiapan guru dengan tujuan untuk memajukan pengetahuan kita tentang teori dan praktik pendidikan. Semua naskah yang dikirimkan akan direview oleh editor dan kemudian dievaluasi oleh minimal dua reviewer melalui proses double-blind review. Hal ini untuk memastikan kualitas manuskrip yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal.</p> </td> <td style="width: 13px;"> </td> <td style="width: 215.828px;"><img src="" alt="" width="1349" height="1908" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p>Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al- Kifayah Riauen-USAr-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini2614-7831Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Moral dan Agama Anak Usia Dini dalam Kitab Kuning
<p>This article analyzes the values of moral and religious education for early childhood in <em>kitab kuning</em>. In this case, the book in question is <em>At-Tahliyah Wat-Tarhib Fi At-Tarbiyah Wat-Tahdzib</em> by KH. Sayyid Muhammad, then analyzed transliteration and the relevance of religious moral education for early childhood. Religious moral education is a form of instilling moral and religious values, therefore it is very important to give it from an early age because basically children are in a golden age which is experiencing a very rapid growth and development process. The book that is the focus of this research is one of the sources for religious moral education, because it discusses morals, moreover, in this book there are 13 chapters that discuss good morals towards oneself, towards family and social life. This research method uses a qualitative approach with library research methods. For data collection techniques, library studies, observation, documentation and data analysis techniques are used. As a result, there are 15 values of religious moral education that can be used as a reference in the early childhood learning process, including good manners, caring for the body, protecting the rights of the body, morals towards parents, good character, honesty, shame, generous, restraining anger, obeying the government, listening to conversations, speech etiquette, keeping secrets, eating manners, and love of the country</p>Maisaroh MaisarohFitrotul Hikmah
Copyright (c) 2024 Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
2024-07-302024-07-3041293910.53398/arraihanah.v4i1.486Peran Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Pada Anak ADHD Hiperaktif Implusif Pada Anak Usia 5 Tahun
<p>Early childhood education (ECCE) involves instruction with a focus on maturing each child's individual personality while also supporting the child's general development. Between two and four percent of school-age children in Indonesia are ADHD sufferers. A youngster with ADHD behaves differently from a typical child in a distinctive way. difficulties concentrating, hyperactivity, or attention deficit disorder. Because it affects both hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, early childhood hyperactivity is a severe issue. The prevalence of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in children is rising these days<br /><!--EndFragment--></p>Galuh CahyaHanesya IzzaDinara SafinahZida FardasyahDania RazhikaClarissa QurrotuAjeng DwiMukhoiyaroh Mukhoiyaroh
Copyright (c) 2024 Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
2024-08-272024-08-274110.53398/arraihanah.v4i1.489Pengaruh Metode Bermain Melalui Media Pasir dan Plastisin Terhadap Kemampuan Mengenal Huruf Abjad di Kelas A Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartika XVII-03 Kecamatan Pontianak Utara
<p>Play activities are children's activities that are carried out throughout the day because for children play is life and life is a game. Early childhood does not distinguish between playing, learning, and working. Children really enjoy the game and always do it wherever they have the opportunity. This study aims to provide data or information as one of the theoretical references to various parties who are competent in early childhood letter recognition research. The playing method carried out in this study used sand and plasticine media. Sand is a small grain that is malleable and fun for children. Plasticine is a toy dough made of flour so that it becomes a soft object so that it can be kneaded, pulled, pressed, and can be shaped according to the child's imagination. Activities using play media can meet all aspects of child development</p>Ainun PratiwiSri Nugroho JatiIin Maulina
Copyright (c) 2024 Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
2024-03-132024-03-13411710.53398/arraihanah.v4i1.480Implementasi Metode Bercerita Dalam Menanamkan Nilai Moral Dan Agama Siswa Di TK Arridho Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
<p>In modern times today many children still commit deviant acts, acts of violence, behave impolitely and commit actions prohibited in religion. This can happen due to lack of religious and moral cultivation from an early age. Therefore, the author wants to examine the implementation of the storytelling method in instilling students moral and religious values in Arridho Cengkareng Kindergarten, West Jakarta. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of storytelling methods in instilling students' moral and religious values, especially in children aged 4-5 years at Arridho Cengkareng Kindergarten, West Jakarta. This study used a descriptive type qualitative research approach. Primary data sources and secondary data The results of research conducted at Arridho Kindergarten Cengkareng West Jakarta that the implementation of the storytelling method in Arridho Kindergarten has fulfilled three stages, namely 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) evaluation, Supporting this method is habituation, awareness of participants</p>Siti IstiqomahNur Septianita Yasin
Copyright (c) 2024 Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
2024-07-302024-07-304182810.53398/arraihanah.v4i1.487Analisis Tantangan dan Peluang Membangun Keterlibatan Orang Tua Pada Program Sekolah TK ABA Danunegaran Yogyakarta
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="492"> <p>Parental involvement in education has a crucial role in supporting children's development. However, in reality there are challenges and opportunities that need to be understood in depth. This research aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities in building parental involvement in ABA Danunegaran Kindergarten Yogyakarta. This research was conducted using qualitative methods to find out in depth the challenges and opportunities in building parental involvement at ABA Danunegaran Kindergarten. The data collection technique used was in-depth interviews. The subjects in this research were the principal, teachers, and 3 guardians of the ABA Danunegaran Yogyakarta Kindergarten students. The data analysis technique in this research is Miles and Huberman. The validity technique used is the triangulation method. Based on the research results, it is known that the challenges faced by schools in building parental involvement in school programs are communication, parents' educational and economic status, parents' awareness and understanding of children's development, as well as differences in parents' time and busyness. Meanwhile, the opportunities that schools have are activities organized by the school, technological developments, class associations, and the abilities or skills and professions of parents. It is hoped that this research can become material for reflection and evaluation of schools in building parental involvement in more optimal school programs.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Keterlibatan orang tua dalam pendidikan memiliki peran yang krusial untuk mendukung perkembangan anak. Namun, kenyataannya terdapat tantangan dan peluang yang perlu dipahami secara mendalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tantangan dan peluang dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua di TK ABA Danunegaran Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif guna mengetahui secara mendalam terkait tantangan dan peluang dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua di TK ABA Danunegaran. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui wawancara yang mendalam. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru, dan 3 wali murid TK ABA Danunegaran Yogyakarta. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah Miles dan Huberman. Teknik validitas yang digunakan adalah metode triangulasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa tantangan yang dihadapi sekolah dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua pada program sekolah adalah komunikasi, status pendidikan dan ekonomi orang tua, kesadaran dan pemahaman orang tua mengenai perkembangan anak, serta perbedaan waktu dan kesibukan orang tua. Sedangkan peluang yang dimiliki sekolah adalah kegiatan yang diselenggarakan sekolah, perkembangan teknologi, paguyuban kelas, dan kemampuan atau skill serta profesi orang tua. Harapannya penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan refleksi dan evaluasi sekolah dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua pada program sekolah yang lebih optimal.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Mariana Wahyu ListyatiIyan Sofyan
Copyright (c) 2024 Ar-Raihanah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini